Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Windows Phone 8 May Be Launched With The Much Awaited Feature Upgrades

Picture The consistency of the Windows Phone 7 is maintained by Microsoft from the last two years. Windows Phone 7 handsets have features like single core processors and a 480 by 800 screen resolution. Their extended battery life keeps while the applications running and performing longer than most others. 

Following the leak of several alleged Windows Phone 8 screenshots earlier this week, the Windows phone 8 has lots of features to look forward to like Skype integration, 3D maps and improved camera features. It might also support VOIP integration, Windows Phone Wallet, Voice Tools, Lens apps and much more than its previous version.

However, native code development is the feature upgrade that Windows Phone developer has been anticipating. The screenshots show a revamped camera application, a new data monitoring tool and Nokia Drive 3.0 which might actually arrive sooner than Windows Phone 8.

Microsoft has yet to confirm any of these features but we might know if they are a part of Windows Phone 8 on June 20th when Microsoft is expected to show off new upgrade at the Windows Phone Developers Summit.

Windows Phone 7 is nice but has some hardware limitations and because of that Windows Phone 7 developers have had problems to develop great apps for Windows Marketplace. Apple eventually took a decision and upgraded to the retina display with the iPhone 4. In this way Apple balanced the situation but Microsoft is faced the tough side of the move.

Considering the new Windows Phone 7 handsets like Lumia 900 and Titan 4G handsets will only be a few months old. Its predecessor, Windows Mobile was not compatible with the new update. It was quite a frustrating experience for the users. Hope Windows don’t repeat the same mistake with its next release called Windows Phone 8. Or else it will have to face the wrath from Windows Phone 7 developer

Originally Posted By Weebly

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